

Excited to announce the 7th FOES MEETS FOES event in July! To register/ for more information email us on

















***** PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE ELECTION OF Brent Foes TO THE HALL OF FAME AT Marin Museum of Bicycling in Fairfax, Marin County California *****

This men who has been building high end mountain bikes since more than 25-years now and who has revolutionized a whole market with his innovative ideas will now be honored for his life work in September, within the 29th Annual Mountain Bike Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in Fairfax California. Where next to him also the inductee-elects Giovanna Bonazzi, Mark Norstad and Wolfgang Renner will be participating.

CONGRATULATIONS Brent Foes for your relentless efforts in building great and unique mountain bikes – WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, IT’S AMAZING TO SEE THAT ALL YOUR WORK IS NOW HONORED.

We will always be a part of the Foes Racing USA family and are more than proud to have contributed to this success!!!

1992/93 Foes Racing USA LTS 18 prototype for the Hall of Fame

Brent Foes gave me this special frame 4 years ago. I brought it back to Switzerland soon after and restored it from the ground up. It has been published in many magazines and history books since it got restored. The plan has always been to bring this piece of history back to it’s birth place.

I’m really proud to be part of this piece of history and the story behind the bike… Just recently I have brought it back to California where it’s shown at the Hall of Fame Museum in Marine County. Following some places where the bike showed up

– Foes Racing (Brent’s backyard garage where everything started  )
– Foes Racing , Amelia Ave. , San Dimas, California
– Oakley Headquarters , Foothill , Icon 1 , California
– Sea Otter Classics , Monterey, California
– Mtb Hall of Fame , Fairfax, California

Links to articles / videos made at the Sea Otter Classic Show:…/the-beginning-of-modern-dh-1994-……/soc17-foes-racing-goes-really-…/











More pictures are available on our Facebook page.


Foes Racing celebrates its 25-year anniversary this year 2017!! As this is a very special year for them, there will be several special happenings where we will keep you posted – promised! 🙂

We are proud to be part of this journey and the Foes Racing family!

25 years FOES RACING

Foes meets Foes 2015

FOES MEETS FOES 2015 by and Foes Racing USA und Foes Racing USA präsentieren zum 4ten Mal das Foes Treffen in der Schweiz zu dem Foes Racing Fans und Freunde aus aller Welt eingeladen sind und zudem letztes Jahr sogar Brent Foes persönlich eingeflogen wurde.


Datum:            Samstag 20. Juni 2015


Zeit:                 13:00 – open end


Ort:                  Schweiz (genaue Adresse wird bei Anmeldung bekannt gegeben)


Auch dieses Jahr gibt es viel zu sehen. Von DH Bike Prototypen, Show- und Custom Bikes über die berühmten Cycleworks Classic Bike Aufbauten (1992 bis 1996) sowie zeitgemässe Modelle die die Besucher an den Event mitbringen. Als Special sind dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal auch Testfahrten sowie geführte Bike rides in der Gruppe geplant. Natürlich gibt’s auch genügend Verpflegung, Amerika like wird gegrillt und an Festbänken zusammen genossen.

Eingeladen sind Fans, Freunde der Marke, Mountainbike begeisterte und solche die es werden wollen.



Das diesjährige Foes meets Foes war wieder ein riesen Erfolg! Fotos dazu finet ihr auf unserer Facebook Seite